I'm glad to be home with doors and locks.
See how close we were to the lake? It was certainly beautiful, but also stressful since none of my kids swim and Gabe has no sense of danger.

Luckily, MOF Melissa gave me a brilliant idea and I came prepared.

Luckily again, he didn't mind it too terribly much. He got annoyed on occasion, but for the most part, he just played in the dirt.

The kids had fun. And that's what I do all this work for, right?

Mae and Eli

I spent most of my time reading Breaking Dawn which came out the first night we were there. I went to a little release party with my mom and Gabe and Clara and bought the book at midnight. I read for a little while that night and spent a lot of Saturday just chilling with Clara and reading. (loved the book!)
lots of fun and loved that tether idea, MOFs are the best
Great idea! Yeah, the kids better have fun after all the work it takes a mom to get ready for camping!
So jealous you read Breaking Dawn already. I've been so busy I totally forgot it was coming out and I'm still over booked for August - I'll have to wait till school is back in! So don't give anything away!!!!!!
I think I may have to steal that idea too--I'm getting ready to take two 2 year-olds camping! Fortunately we aren't that close to the water, or I would really worry. Looks like everyone had a great time!
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