She had a little Hannah Montana merriment with her friends.
Ever economical...I took the picture of Hannah off the party blower thingies and they used those for pin-something-on-a-poster.

Gabe getting in on the action...boa and all.

Musical Chairs...several of them had never played this before!

And cupcakes...exactly what she wanted.

On her real birthday, we went out for manis and pedis with Rach and Mae. There was a panic moment when a guy manicurist went over to Aria...oh, the tears...but we stopped him and had a girl do it and all was well again.

Getting some bling.

Pretty, pretty! And festive! And a little irritated with me because of all the pictures. lol.

She claimed it was the best two days of her ENTIRE.LIFE. ahhhh....success.
Im glad I could be a part of the best two days of her entire life. I had a blast thanks for the pedi! Oh and Dinner YUM!
Sounds like success! I'm happy for her that she had 2 very best days!
HOW CUTE!! Happy B-day Aria!!! Good idea with the mani & pedi! I will keep that one in mind for Syd's b-day in March! Merry Christmas!
i love your nails Aria
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