My Grandparents have a family get together every year around Christmas. This year we did our annual bowling, then went to the church for games and food and a program. I was pretty proud of my kids for singing and it turned out to be a very nice program. Afterwards there was Volleyball, Basketball and card games. I didn't bring shoes for sports (plus I suck) so I tried my hand at a little sports photography.
It was young against old. I have no idea who won. lol.

My family makes tall boys.

This one is just funny.

Sadly, my favorite card game, Nertz, is not loved by many. I need to find more fans and have a Nertz party. :)
the old 'men' won because of my 3 point swoosh! :)
i like nertz. well i likeD it---before i had a baby. i'm too tired to concentrate at night hard enough to play nertz now...i know. pathetic. lol.
3 point swoosh is basketball. Who won volleyball?
We had to play three games. The "old" won the first game and then the last two games the "young" won each game by only one point. We want a rematch:)
BTW. Great pictures.
The net was way to low for regulation vball. In case anyone was wondering. I know I wasnt there but I can tell from the pics.
I will learn how to play Nertz! Just teach me and we can have a party! :)
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