Friday, April 14, 2006

Attn: Everyone Dave has ever worked with

I don't know if it's just my husband or if other guys do this, but Dave has this image of me that he spreads around at work. He used to work at a massive corporation where (according to him) everyone is vegetarian and people have 0-1 child. Well, since he took paternity leave 3 times in the 5 years he worked there, he decided to tell everyone that I'm a vegetarian. (since he's totally not, he figured he'd pretend like one of us "fit in.")

So, at every company party/dinner I had to pretend to be a vegetarian since Dave was so insistant that I was one.

Then we moved to the land of meat and potatoes. I figured I could finally start eating meat in public again. Then Dave came home from one of his first days at the new job and says "I told them you're a vegetarian." WHAT THE HECK? Why does my food preference come up at every job he works at? And why does he lie about it?

So....I am no longer keeping this ruse up.

Dear Dave's fellow employees,

I. Am. A. Carnivore.


And I like it. Ok, well, I don't like pig. I don't anything from a pig (usually), but other than that, bring it on! Chicken, Turkey, Fish, Beef, I'm all over it baby!

Can't wait for the first company dinner.


Jenn said...

ROFL! That is SO weird! Why does he tell people that? How annoying! :P

lackrik said...


I have my own impressions of dh's coworkers and their little quirky habits. I have to keep from laughing when I meet some of them. lol

Stacy said...

ROFLMBO! I have SEEN you eat meat - you go and RIP into it, girl!

Heather said...

ROFL!!!! That is hilarious.