We had so much fun today I hardly know where to start! I actually jotted notes throughout the day so I wouldn't forget all the funny things that happened.
Today began by carrying over a tradition that I grew up with. Every Easter my mom made egg gravy over toast for breakfast. Usually it was colorful egg gravy, cuz she made it out of the eggs we dyed, but I deprived my kids of that particular part of the tradition this year. (it's okay, we'll start next year with the egg coloring).
My sister and her husband came over for breakfast and we made the egg gravy. Neither of us had ever made it before so we were a little nervous. We ran into a couple snags like not having any regular flour and not enough milk, but I had some rice flour and rice milk that worked just as well. Rach was having issues peeling the hard boiled eggs (I don't know what the problem was, I peeled them just fine...) and at one point was throwing the shells into the bowl for the chopped up eggs. Soooo....she had to pick the shells out. We succeeded though! It was so yummy! Just ask Aria. She was like a broken record.
"this is SO yummy"
"Mommy, this is great food!"
Then we made resurrection rolls. If you don't already know, you take a marshmallow and a crescent roll. The marshmallow represents Jesus. You put the marshmallow in melted butter, then cinnamon/sugar to represent wrapping Jesus' body with oil and spices and then you put him in the "tomb." (the crescent roll.) You pinch the edges shut around "Jesus" and bake. When they're done, you open the roll and the marshmallow is gone!
We did this with Nathan and Aria and told the story as we went. When we opened the "tomb" I said "where did Jesus go? He's gone!" Nathan's eyes got wide and with alarm he said "He melted!"
I had to do a little extra explaining then...
Other events of note today...Gabe loved his easter basket. We put him on the floor and he scooted over to it, put the handle in his mouth and laid there, unmoving, handle in his mouth (not even chewing it, just laying with it in his mouth) for about 15 minutes. Hilarious.
Aria got one of those velcro ball catcher things in her Easter basket and Nathan tried to use it. Nathan is quite smart, but when it comes to anything requiring coordination, he's lacking. He managed to catch the ball on the velcro catcher, and then he tried to throw it back. But instead of removing the ball and throwing it, he tried to just dislodge it from the velcro catcher as if he were throwing it out of a mitt. Didn't work so well. The catcher thing went flying across the room with the ball attached.
I bought a ham to make for Easter dinner and was going to put it in the crockpot last night (frozen) and cook it on low until today. I pulled it out of the freezer and tried to put it in, but it was too big. I ended up leaving it out on the counter to thaw and then sent Dave home between Sunday School and Priesthood to put it in the oven. (fortunately, our house didn't burn down while we finished church). For my first ham, it turned out quite well and we had a lovely Easter dinner with some old friends from my home town. I figure since I refuse to cook Thanksgiving dinner, and I'm too lazy to cook a Christmas dinner, then Easter will be it. A big dinner once a year. Good enough for me!
Overall, it was a fabulous day! Dave even spoke in church today and gave a great talk on the atonement. His words were simple, yet powerful and the spirit touched many people that were there.
Yay for Easter! What a great holiday!
I almost forgot! It snowed today! How weird is that?