Tuesday, April 28, 2009

This is why we do it

If you're a church-going mom, I guarantee you've been at church with your baby/toddler and asked yourself "Why do I bother?"

You're walking the halls with a screaming child, missing class to nurse or change diapers, spending all of the meeting time snapping your fingers at your kids, shooting them dirty looks, or finally just giving in. You clean up the cheerios, crayons, toys, sippy cups and haul the kids out to the mother's lounge, the lobby, or even home.

Your Sunday mornings are an insane battle of breakfast, dressing everybody in their finest, changing diapers, getting the quiet bag/diaper bag ready, changing diapers again, finding shoes (why does one always go missing on Sunday morning?), finding scriptures, loading in the car, remembering last minute things and finally getting to church just in time to snag a seat in the over flow.

You wonder who actually gets a "day of rest" on Sunday.

But then...it's a weekday night and your husband says he'll be home for family scriptures and prayer, but he doesn't make it til 3 of the 4 kids are already sleeping. So you and your husband go to the bed of your 7 year old son. He's up reading and he smirks at you when you tell him you're having scripture/prayer with just him since everyone else is sleeping.

You flip open the scriptures and ask him what his favorite is. "Is it still Enos?" He replies, "I like Enos, but I don't want to read that tonight. I want to read D&C 25 verses 11-16. It's about the hymns and I love the hymns." Your heart melts into a puddle right then and there while you listen to your oldest son not only read to you about the hymns but tell you a bit of the back story.

When you ask where he learned about this he responds, "in primary."

And then you know, this is why you deal with it every week. This is why you keep going every Sunday. This is what it's all about.


Carrie Snider said...

WOW!!! :) :)

Linda said...

This made me cry:)

EternaLeppert said...

It's amazing what children retain, even when mom's hair is standing on end all day Sunday trying to keep it all together. So worth it!

Jon and Maryanne said...

This gave me goose bumps! :)

Washington Hills said...

So awesome...