Since he was born he's had sensory issues. Loud noises, tags on his shirts, bright lights, etc all bothered him more than the average person. He also had some issues with motor skills. He was (and is) very smart, but in pre-school he couldn't jump with both feet off the floor. He would get those motor skills, just a bit more slowly than average.
Enter karate.
There was a demo at his school a little over a year ago. They offered a free class and white belt and an opportunity to break a board. So, we went. All the kids loved it, but Nathan wanted to sign up. We had a long discussion about commitment and finishing what you start, etc. He agreed so we forked out the dough.
When he started, he had a hard time. He was very shy and quiet and timid and uncoordinated. He'd tip over when he stood on one foot. He didn't yell the kiai, he had a hard time getting certain moves. He wanted to quit several times, but I didn't let him because of the whole commitment thing.
Fast forward a year and the change is remarkable! He has balance! He actually competed in a tournament. He was super nervous, but he handled it. He remembered his forms (routines) and his sparring was great. He was quick and aggressive. Outside of karate, his personality is blossoming. He's coming out of his shell. He's still "the silent ninja" but he's improving. He looks people in the eye, he's respectful and kind and polite, he's not terrified to stand up in front of people at church or school or to compete in front of a crowd in karate.
I'm so proud of him!
Self defense form.

Nunchucks form.

And sparring. This was exciting. He won his first round 3-1.

The second round was a little tougher. He was fighting for 3rd place at this point (out of 9 kids) and he really fought hard.
Look at how well he blocked that kick!

He got pretty intense in this round.

He ended up losing the 2nd round 3-2 putting him in 4th place by 1 point. Here he is with his medal. :)

Way to go, Nathan!
This made me cry too. Gee thanks:) I love him and it has been fun to watch him progress and you have a right to be proud.
That is soooo awesome!!! :)
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