This morning Gabe asked if he could have some kool-aid. He'd already filled a pitcher with water and wanted to know what was next. I pulled out a packet of kool-aid powder and out of curiosity glanced at the ingredients.
Citric Acid. Okay, that's fine.
Maltodextrin. Googled it, not the best, but not the worst.
Calcium Phosphate. Okay.
then artificial flavors, colors and vitamin C.
There's what? A tablespoon or so of this powder.
The sweetener? A cup of sugar.
Then I got to thinking. What do I see kids drinking all the time? Capri-suns! After soccer games, at school lunches, running around at the park. It seems to be the convenience drink of choice.
And what is it's main ingredient? High Fructose Corn Syrup.
So what's worse? A little googling tells me that "using HFCS instead of pure sugar can make the soda 10 times richer in harmful carbonyl compounds." But what it comes down to is how our body processes these sweeteners and our bodies much prefer to process plain old sugar over the insanely processed HFCS which actually forces our liver to kick out extra fat into the blood stream.
So...since we have to keep sugary drinks around for Dave's diabetes and since my kids inevitably want to drink them occasionally and since I'm pretty good at making them drink water the majority of the time...I have decided. Kool-aid wins!
I think I'll start a revolution.

Yay for koolaid! My son loves it and I only put about 1/2-3/4 cup of sugar versus the 1 cup it calls for.
I could jump on your bandwagon for Kool Aid if they would take the %$^# dye out.
Kermit you know they have colorless koolaid too! its clear my kids love it.
Remember I always called it sugar water. LOL I fix sugar water for my Hummingbirds and it's 2 cups sugar to 2 quarts of water. So if you look at it that way... JK
Corn Syrup blah!
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