and she knows she's pretty. See?

We had a little impromptu photo shoot yesterday and that was just one of the gems!
I can't believe it's almost been a year! How time flies...

I love that she crossed her feet.

Milestones at a year.
-eats whatever I'll let her have. She's taking her sweet time getting teeth (she currently has 2 1/2) so I'm still a little choosy in what I let her eat.
-army crawls most of the time, but can crawl on all fours when she feels like it.
-pulls herself up on anything and cruises.
-let's go and can stand unsupported until she realizes that she is unsupported, then she sits down real quick like.
-walks while pushing things. My computer chair, baskets, boxes.
-says mama, dada, byebye, nae-nae (Nathan), nana (night night), and hi.
-signs 'more', nods 'yes', waves and mimics talking on the phone.
-blows kisses
I don't know her current stats...I should probably schedule her well baby checkup.
She is very pretty!!! I love her to pieces! When I saw the birthday invitation my first thought was how cute and then my second thought was oh good there are the pillow pictures. So I'm requesting a disc in color and black and white of those pictures. I need to get started on the pillow you know.
Love the first pic on this. What a little vamp! (in a cute way ;) )
Oh, Misty!!!
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