These pictures were taken with my point and shoot, inside the chapel, before church started on the day Jovie was blessed.
They're 9 seconds apart (I checked the camera data) and there was no change in settings between the shots. The only change was turning my camera from horizontal to vertical. They're both sooc (straight out of camera) with no post processing.
Image 1.

Image 2.

So what do you think? Did something funky happen with the camera? Or was there a spirit hanging around?
dust. just dust.
definately a spirit :)
Grandma Jean?
Dust that happened to fall in front of your lens.
Dad's comments... Well you
know what Spirits look like. They don't look like orbs but their are ghost humters out there that say those orbs happen at spiritual moments. They see them and record them when they feel there is an entity about. Dad listens to talk radio you know...:)
I agree with Rach, most likely your Grandma Jean there to be with Jovie on that most important occasion!
Dust. Totally dust.
I believe just about anything is possible! And my first thought was also, your GRandma Jean! But it would really have been appropriate if ya'll had been sitting on the front row!*S*
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