Grandma Linda (Dave's mom) came to visit. It was nice to see her!

To get myself in the pictures I have to do the arm stretch thing. People seem to think they can't take pictures of me because I'm a photographer and I might judge the picture. Not true! I want to be in the pictures too!

We went to Cat Tails with Aria's pre-school. I have to say...not impressed. It was just a bunch of big, sleeping, boring cats in cages. This Lion that slept like a dog was the most entertaining thing there.

Clara had her blessing day! It was so nice to see all the family that was able to make it and have a nice lunch with family/friends after the blessing. And thanks again to Onica for the gorgeous dress!

The babies...

apparently Mae needed an armrest...

The last picture I took before my camera broke. Clara is being held up by the men in her life. Her dad, grandpa, uncles and a cousin.

Aria graduated pre-school. She's so smart. Her teachers talked to me about testing her into first grade (they used to have her read books to the class, lol). But I don't think she's emotionally ready to advance to 1st right now. At graduation they sang a bunch of songs about rainbows. It was so cute! Aria loved "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" the best. I was impressed that she memorized like 8 songs.

All of us at graduation (again with the arm stretch photo).

We went to a baseball game. It was fun. But I like baseball. It's very laid back as far as sports go. The kids enjoyed it too. Especially the home runs.

Can't watch a baseball game without a hot dog!

Clara slept through it.

And finally...we went to the new water park by our house. Tons of fun! Check out Clara rocking my shades.

holy cow blogaholic:) love all the pics! i think it's funny how aria's head is hiding behind clara in both the pictures that you are in with the 'arm stretch'
I'll take credit for the idea of the sunglasses one, lol.
Wow, you were catching up. Fun to see evything!
Yeah! Finally Clara's blessing pics! Super cute!!! I love the pics of her with your sunglasses on too!
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