Monday, March 10, 2008

Am I going to make it 2 more months?

I'm sure I will...but man, this baby is kicking my butt. I've spent the last 2 days monitoring my blood sugar and avoiding all carbs and sugar. Turns out I just might have gestational diabetes. But it looks like I can control it with diet. Yippee. Mix that with this yucky flu-like thing that I've had since Friday and I am not a happy camper.

Oh, and I've been trying for years to figure out this other problem that I have. I randomly get this horrible pain that radiates through my chest, shoulders, neck and upper back. It about knocks me over and I have to lay down for up to an hour sometimes before it fades. My newest guess is gallstones. I don't really know, though. I do know it's not pregnancy related, although I have been dealing with it more lately.

And I'm tired. OH SO TIRED. But my iron levels are fine, and so is my blood pressure. Then, of course, there's pubic symphasis and sciatica. My body just does not like being pregnant.

Ready for some more whining? (I'm allowed, it's my blog)....


My hilarious, oh so cute, cuddly, happy and drive-me-insane mischievous 2 year old.

He likes pills. He finds them and I can't figure out how. He dug through Grandma's purse one time and found some pills that looked like orange skittles. Can't blame him, I guess. After all, he is a sugaraholic. Fortunately, 1 bite and he threw up everything in his stomach.

He got into Dave's blood glucose monitor and found a pill in there once. Didn't like that one, either. Luckily it was just vitamin C.

He loooooooves Tums. I have to keep those up high or he'll just eat them like candy. I told him it was medicine and medicine makes you sick. He said "No Mom! Medicine makes you better!" He's got a point. *sigh*

But really, up high makes no difference. I had some juice plus on the highest shelf in my plate cupboard. Yesterday he dragged a chair over, scaled the drawers from the chair to get on the counter, opened the cupboard, reached up high, found the juice plus bottles, opened them, sat down and started to play. They're the kind that are capsules filled with powder. He tried a bite and wasn't too impressed but decided it would be fun to open all the capsules and spill the powder everywhere. I found him after he started yelling for me because he couldn't get down by himself. (okay, the truth is I ignored the yelling for 5 minutes because I was laying in bed feeling lousy and Dave finally went to see what the problem was.)

It'll be nice to get my non-pregnant self back and have a sweet little baby to love and cuddle. Then again, I'm not even a little bit prepared for said sweet baby. I need to get her a bed, carseat, clothes, and supplies for the homebirth.

Ok...whine over. I have to go find something carb free to eat again. Then poke my finger in a couple hours.


The Buck's said...

Welcome to the world of GD. Not a lot of fun is it? I used to save up my carbs just so I could eat DQ at night...but then that would cause heartburn! :)

Sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well...let me know if you need anything.

Lara said...

Let the whine out!!!! The thought of ever being pregnant again really helps with keeping the kid number to 3 for me!

So sorry you are sick!!!!!!!

Hope you are all feeling better soon and I hope the next couple of months goes fast!

Lara said...


Definitely sounds like gallstones to me!!!! (But, then I've had mine out and still get the pain - but those sound like the symptoms.)

Lara said...

Okay, one more comment.

Could also be acid-reflux. Are you taking anything for that yet?

The Mac Attack said...

Whine away. At least you know where your getting her co-sleeper. Thats one thing down. As for the rest Im still using them. But let me know if I can help. I can always take the Gabester on friday afternoons for you so you can get errands done eaiser with no kids. Love ya!

Linda said...

I am sooooo sorry about your illnesses (plural). It's ok to whine you're intitled to. You and Clara are in our prayers.
Love you.

Jon and Maryanne said...

It's good to vent sometimes! And you definetely have every right to "whine" right now! I hope you feel better soon, I know you still have a couple months left of the pregnancy, but hopefully your flu will go away and your gest. diab. easier to handle. You're in my prayers.

McP Family said...

Misty, Misty, Misty!! You poor soul. I will send prayers and good thoughts that you feel better.

Sonja said...

Poor woman!! I thought my pregnancies were bad. I hope you feel better soon.