Nathan is now in 2nd grade. I look at him and can hardly believe how big he's getting. He loves school and loves his new teacher.

Aria started kindergarten! She was so excited. She's in afternoon K and can barely get through the torture every morning while she waits for school to start. When I dropped her off her cheeks and the rims around her eyes got red, which is a sure sign that she's fighting back tears and trying to be brave. But when I asked she smiled huge and said she was fine. When she came home she said it "wasn't so good." I asked why. She said "Mom, I was so good today. I did everything the teacher said and I followed all the rules, (she's a perfectionist and a pleaser) but the other kids were bad so none of us got to go to recess." She was pretty upset. On day 2, she got recess, so she was much happier.
1st day of school!

Day 2, just cause she was so cute. She's actually wearing dress up pants from a pirate costume, but they were so cute I let her wear them. She also impressed me by tying the bow in the back of her shirt by herself with her new tying skillz. (she practices everywhere...there are ribbons tied in bows up and down my curtains.)

and at soccer practice after school.

Gabe is doing okay without the kids every day. He's been amusing himself by mopping my floor. So it's really, really clean in about a 3 foot strip between the kitchen and family room. lol.
Yippie for school! I'm glad Aria got to go out for recess. I know she was pretty disappointed about that the 1st day. Nathan looks like he got in and went right to work. I'm happy he likes his teacher.
You seem so calm about school. I am always so sad for the week before and about a month after. What do you know that I don't?
School for you to! How crazy that we are old enough to have school age kids :) And yes, we ARE going to be in WW...just confirmed dates with my mom today. We'll be leaving on the 18th and coming home the following tuesday. (*this* month, as in September :)) We may be going up to cordaline (or however that is spelled), which my mom tells me is close? Anyway...this is all way to long for this comment box...and I keep loosing your email! (
Lily complained about the bad kids and no recess on the first day too. What's up with that???
ok they're all grown up too! what is going on with the world? they look so cute in their first day of school pics!
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