I even have matching baby legs for one of her diaper covers.

Cute, eh?
But this morning she woke up with a new rash. Apparently she can't wear carters onesies anymore. Check out what the tag did to her.

So my question...anybody know what I can put on that? It doesn't look terribly comfortable. Luckily, she's still as happy as can be.

I love the diaper cover and baby legs together. They are darling.
Also, I'll email you soon about the bigger skirt measurements. I've been at my parents all week so I haven't had much time to do online stuff, but don't worry, I haven't forgotten.
That happened to Stephanie's Sophie. I would just put some anti-itch cream on it. That should clear up the rash. Plain vaseline helps relieves mild skin irritations and reactions on me as well.
Good Luck--Oh and I responded to your comment on my latest blog..on my blog, fyi.
What a cutie pie! Love the polka dots.
oh my gosh she's all grown up! she is seriously cute! love the matching diaper and warmers.
Clara is such a big girl now. Oh so sad for her rash. I say turn up the heat and let her her go naked time.
Miss cute baby Clara. I want to pick her up and give her a big hug. Cute matching diaper and leg warmers. About the rash Rach's idea was good or I might have something here I can look. I would hope what ever you put on her to help it heal wouldn't give her a rash too since her skin is so sensitive.
I seriously can't get enough of her smile!! When I saw her rash at church, it looked like she had some scabbing going on, I would try neosporin or vaseline.
weird, I read about this problem yesterday!
When my mom got burns from radiation, they told her to use the pain neosporin. She said it helped a LOT. I'd probalby go that route.
We use clear medical tape to cover our tagless shirts. It helps prevent them.
what cute cloth diapers and baby legs!! OUCH on the burn
Wow. I had no idea it was a chemical burn. I soaked them in hot water with vinegar and baking soda for a couple of days and they don't bother her anymore, but I am leary of new ones. I put some lanolin on hers.
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