Dear mommy and daddy
Thanks for comeing tonight.
I hope you had fun. I hope you had realy fun. I hope you had umm watever just have fun.
I love you
PS have fun
PPS I love you
PPPS I hope you write back to me
PPPPS I want you to look at my honeybee, self portrait and my cubby.
Love, Nathan
Isn't that the best? It made me giggle.
And a couple Nathan pictures. He was in a weapons tournament in karate and was runner up. (everybody get a was really fun though. He did great for his first tournament).

He also advanced to the next belt. Advanced Orange.
They put their old and new belts down in the shape of an L (but I forget stands for some words) then they kneel and put their forehead on their new belt to symbolize placing the first drop of sweat on it. It's pretty cool.

That's sooooo COOL Nathan!
Love the letter too:)
Karate is such a wonderful life tool. I think it is fantastic that he goes. Karate is a part of my life that I hold very close to my heart. I helped mold me into the person I am and the person I strive to be. Keep up posted. Thank you
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