He gives the tightest, longest hugs in the world.
When he sees flowers anywhere he says "Look, Mama! Flowers for you!"
When he sees models in magazines or ads he says "Mama! That girl looks like you!"
He says "I love mine awesome Mom" and then will push my head to the side and kiss my cheek.
He says Thank You and I'm Sorry without prompting and for anything. We went out for ice cream one time and as we were leaving he said to the worker "Thank you for mine yummy ice cream!"
He's obedient. If he tells me what naughty thing he's about to do and I say no, he won't do it. (usually).
And that's how my almost 3 year old stays out of trouble on a regular basis.
He's just too cute for his own good. Plus he likes to sleep in baskets. Everyone say with me now.

He definately has the cute factor going for him...that is how he has made it through almost three years I am sure! :)
Gabe naughty? How about curious, adventurist and just plain old adorable lovable Gabe. Of course if I actually lived with him...uh may be a different story. LOL
He sounds like every scary reason people don't have kids but he is also the beautiful reason people should have kids. I find Madi frustrates me to no end then does something so wonderfully cute, suprising or new and I forget all about that other stuff
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