-He thinks he's 5. Really, he thinks everyone is 5. Once my mom graduated to 17, but usually if you ask him how old he is or how old anyone else is, he says 5. Here's proof.
-He's a lot like Dave. There isn't a lot of me in him, except for this. His tongue is hanging out constantly. Especially when he's concentrating on things. This is him playing air hockey with his friend that he plays with once or twice a week. (by the way, it cracks me up that he even plays air hockey at this age. Nathan could work a computer by the time he was 2, Gabe is more into the sports and active things like climbing everything in sight.)

-He has some of the best mispronunciations ever. He talks constantly and is pretty easy to understand, but sometimes you just have to know what he's saying. Like Booby Booby. That means Scooby Doo. See? You never would have guessed that one!
-He likes to announce whatever he's doing at any given moment. And everything is either something to be super excited about or super upset about. There is no in between. And it's never the same thing twice. Like the other night when I said it was bedtime he said "YAY! I wuv taking naps!" But the next night he screamed and yelled because he did NOT want to go to bed.
-I forgot one. He thinks They Might Be Giants is the most hilarious music ever. You might have to turn your sound up and there's no picture because it was night and I was driving, but this is him laughing hysterically while "Istanbul" is playing.
-Oh yeah, one more. He loves salad. Loves it. It's one of his favorite foods. How many two year olds do you know that ask for salad daily?
Everything is more fun with Gabe around!
Gabe is going to be your little entertainer...I can tell already :)
Love the Gabester!!! Like I said this last weekend hes a boys boy. Has he eaten any bugs yet?
Love the addition!! Just send my coat with Sean when he picks up Mae tomorrow.
Gabe is too cute! It has been fun watching him grow up. I can't believe how much he is talking now!
I'm glad he is having fun with Sean!!! (And thanks for watching Sean every week - you're a real sport!)
He is so cute! And you are the most awesome MOM!! Love Gabe!!
Gabe not only eats salad but I actually witnessed him eating a slice of red onion out of the Olive Garden salad without making a face and saying after taking a bite out of it and eating it "Look I made a C".
Love that kid!
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