So today, I went in for my mid-pregnancy ultrasound. The tech asked if I wanted to know the gender and I said yes. Imagine my surprise to find out that the baby we believed to be a boy for he last 2 months, is in fact a girl!
Aria is beyond thrilled.
I'm happy too, for several reasons.
1. Everything is still even. Having a boy would have thrown off my desire to have things be even. 2 boys, 2 girls.
2. I adore my boys, and would have loved another one, but I really wanted Aria to have a sister. There's nothing like the relationship between sisters.
3. I knew I'd keep trying for a girl. I really, really don't enjoy being pregnant and now I don't feel even a teensy bit guilty for wanting to stop. Or at the very least take a nice long break.
Want to see the pictures?

oh congrats!!! we're going to be even over here too! i'm so thrilled!
Awesome and congratulations! If we don't "even" things out over here, Animal is going to disown us and move in with my mother or something.
Im so excited!!!! 3 girl cusins its gonna be so much fun!
YAY for girls! Now, send some girl thoughts my way...I need some pink in my life!
I'm so excited Sebastion is a girl!!!! Jovie is too : )
Oh wow! How exciting!
YIPEE!! That is so awesome.
Yea for baby girls! I'm happy for you and Aria. I know she really wanted a sister. Remember how special sisters are when they are fighting over wearing each others clothes. :) We'll have three little girl granddaughters with in 6 months of each other. How fun! I wonder if they will share clothes? :)
chandler's a girl!!!!!
That was the best part the fights over clothes.
Congrats Misty! Perfect boy, girl, boy, girl. You're not the only ones that remember your fights over clothes. I remember seeing several of your fights! I'm kind of glad I was an only girl. haha =)
Awesome! It will be fun to have another little girl in your family.
SO MANY BABIES!!!! I am happy for you guys
Misty, congrats on having a girl! Any names picked out yet?
Yup, Clarissa Lily. We'll call her Clara. And Aria picked her middle name. :)
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