I have blogger block. Some combination of potty training, proofing, baby with a yeast rash, school getting out in 2 days, rude neighbors that send anonymous letters, hiding away with good books, a zero budget ala Dave Ramsey, and I don't even know what else. I'm busy, and tired, and busy. And when I'm not being busy, I'm reading to relax, which usually puts me to sleep. Oh, and facebook. It sucks me away from my blog.
I'll get back to blogging soon. There have been some good stories in the last little while.
Love, Me.
PS...Gotta add this. Clara learned to walk. And it's the sweetest thing.
(by the way, Clara just turned my computer off...it's her new favorite game. I don't enjoy it as much. Luckily blogger does the autosave thing.)

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