I wrote this a few months ago. A rather different take on a birth story. This is how I remember it though. It was surreal and disjointed. But amazing. I was induced because of mild toxemia (high blood pressure) but was able to still have him drug free.
"I think someone should check me."
This had to be it. The books say it feels like you're going to poop. The nurses aren't listening though. Why won't they listen to me? Just because I'm a first time Mom? Don't they realize I'm the one having this baby? I think I know what's going on! Oh well, maybe they're right. Maybe I should just go to the bathroom again.
Ohhhh, this hurts! What was I thinking wanting to go natural? They keep telling me I'll be here all night. Nothing is supposed to be happening yet. The Cervidil was just supposed to soften my cervix. Labor isn't supposed to start til tomorrow. If this isn't labor, I don't want to know what is. I might as well get back in bed. They don't want me up too much because it makes my blood pressure spike. Whoa...that's a lot of blood. I wonder if that's normal?
"There's a lot of blood in there. And I still feel a lot of pressure, I need you to check me."
I saw that. I saw her roll her eyes. And now she's telling me (again) that I'm a first time Mom and it's too soon. But at least she's listening to me this time and checking me. An eight! Holy cow! No wonder it hurts! I'm in labor! Ohmygosh, I'm about to have a baby! She's running all over and setting things up. She yelled at someone to page the Doctor. I'm glad he stayed past his shift. I like him. He lets me have an opinion.
Oh boy, here we go. I can't believe it's going so fast! Wait. No. I don't like this. Make it stop! OwieOwieOwieOwie. Ohhhh, nonononono.
"I have to push!"
"Don't push yet!"
Don't push? Yeah right. Why is Dave breathing in my face? That's annoying. Great, now my mom's doing it too. They're breathing fast, what's their problem? Do they think I want them blowing on me like that? Oh. I get it. They want me to do it. Right. Breathing. I think I stopped there for a second. In, out, in, out...no, I don't like the fast breathing. Why does everyone want me to breathe like that? It's not helping. Oh well, at least I'm breathing I guess.
"Ok, Misty, push with the next contraction."
"Don't yell! You're wasting your energy. Just push."
Right, just push. I'd like to see him push a baby out. Ugh, here we go again. *gasp*
"Good job! You're doing great!"
"I can see the head"
I can't believe April is still in here. She's being awfully quiet. I'm probably scarring her for life. Oh geez.
Do they think I can't feel this? Natural child birth people. I think I know when I need to push. Oh boy. This hurts. Holy crap. *gasp*
"Good job, Misty! The heads out, one more big push!"
Well, that was weird. Who knew the body coming out was so slimy and slippery? It felt like a fish. Interesting. Where's my baby? Oh, he's over there. What's he doing over there? He's not crying but nobody seems to be too bothered by that. Must be okay.
Still not crying. Wait, apgar...I know that word. Why's it so low? Why isn't he crying???
Oh, there we go. He's crying now. And breathing. They're doing the apgar test again. It's higher now. Normal. I wonder if they'll ever bring him over? Why do I have to push again? Oh, right. The placenta. That sucks. Ok, I'll push. Huh. That was weird, too. Oddly soothing. The Doctor is stitching me up. He seems chatty. I don't know what he's talking about. I'm cold. No, not really cold, but I'm shaking. I don't like this. Someone is saying it's normal. Someone else is bringing a warm blanket. Oh, that's nice. I'm tired.
8lbs 13ozs, huh? That's kinda big. Someone's finally bringing him to me. He's so cute. He's my baby. Holy crap. I'm the Mom. When he cries people are going to give him to me to fix it! Oh boy. He's so cute, though. My Nathan. I can do this.

I came across this while I was looking for pictures. I had forgotten about it. I think he was 4 when he did this.
It's an invisible bunny hug.

happy birthday dear nathan! i think i did block alot of that birth out. lol. jk. i was so proud of you! i hate that they didn't listen to you and rolled their eyes! i did keep that video camera right on your face the entire time though :) you're a great mama! i can't believe he's 8!
Happy birthday, Nathan! 8 was a scary one for me as the mom. You really have to hope you've taught them everything they should know.
Loved the story of Nathan's birth!
I had to laugh about the breathing fast part. It was to distract you so you wouldn't think about the contraction you silly girl. Also to help you not push when you weren't suppose too. I know you know that I just had to state my case. :) And he did come fast!!! Unlike you for me.
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