Once a week (or so) I will post a lesson. You will then get your camera and use what you learn to take pictures and you will post them on your own blog. I'll have a link wizard at the bottom of the lesson where you can put the link to your post and we can all go look at the pictures you've taken and leave comments.
First, just a quick sidenote. There are 2 types of cameras that most of you will be using. Point and shoot or SLR. Some of these lessons will be much easier for an SLR user to understand and execute, (point and shooters can still do them, it just takes a little more manual reading to find the functions on your camera) but no matter your camera, if you become comfortable with the basics of photography, you will be amazed at the improvement in your images!
For the visual people, this is an SLR. It stands for Single Lens Reflex.

This is a point and shoot.

Lesson 1 is about the rule of thirds. The beauty of this lesson is it's all about composition, so it doesn't matter what kind of camera you have. Just remembering this one small rule when you're taking pictures will greatly improve your images!
What you do is imagine a tic-tac-toe grid on your image. You want the main subject to be at the crosspoints of the lines. NOT IN THE CENTER. If it's a close-up portrait, the eyes are the main subject. If it's a horizon style landscape, then you want the horizon to be on the upper or lower line. Again...not in the center.
Here are some examples. Feel free to ask questions in the comments and please try this out and leave a link so we can all see what you've done!








OK...click here and add the link to your pictures! Can't wait to see! And if you need a little guilt, just think about how you'll be entertaining a very bored, very pregnant person.
Just a little clarification...if you click the Mister Linky thing, then a new window will pop up and anyone who has added their name and blog address will show up. You can then click their names to see what they posted. Make sense?
I'm sooooo excited to do this!! Just have to figure out with what...lol
I would love to entertain you...but I am having the week from you know where. I will see what the weekend brings...hopefully a phone call from you that you are finally in labor! :)
Ok, so I filed out the mister linky, but I'm not sure how that shows you my picture. It's with a point and shoot so the focus is not a vivid as it could be. But i like the picture. I love lighthouses in general.
If you click on the mister linky icon your name will pop up in a new window. We can click it there and get to your blog.
Thank you ... I am going to try that. I appreciate you sharing the tricks of the trade
okay, I am rather excited to try this but not sure how to use the Mister Linky thing even after I've entered my name and url. Do I post my photos on my blog?*S* If Rob is still out hitting some balls in the backyard then that'll be my subject! I need help! I accidentally hit some settings on my camera and now it doesn't take clear photos! ugh!
Hi Misty. This is Courtney McP. I am going to take part in your picture fun. I posted my pictures to my blog, I hope that is what I am suppose to do. Here is the link... http://acamcp.blogspot.com/
check out my photos! I can take the criticism!*S*
Courtney, I can't see your pictures unless you invite me to read your blog! It's up to you, but my email is ctrmama@gmail.com
Im doing it tomorrow!! Yippie no work. Call if you need anything like me to watch the kids cause your in labor.
OK Misty I did it. I took pictures and posted them on my blog. Now I hope I can do the mister linkey thing right. lol. I'm excited to learn from you. Thank you!
Hi Misty, My name is Jenny. I am Liz's sister. I think you and your pics are amazing!! I am definently interested in learning from you...so whatever critisizm you have...bring it. You can't get any better if you don't know what you are doing wrong. So here it goes...let me know!
Hey Misty! I finally did it. It was A LOT more complicated than I would have ever thought! Still sending baby thoughts your way!!
ok, done. that was hard
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