Wednesday, September 16, 2009

photography book recommendation

I like to keep my eye out for books that the average person who just wants to take good pictures of their family can benefit from. I always recommend Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson but it's more for the person who has a SLR camera and wants to learn to use it.

But today I want to recommend a book for anybody. It will give you an in depth look at 3 easy points that will greatly improve your pictures.

1. Get closer
2. Shoot more frames
3. Turn off your flash

It's called How to Photograph Your Family by Nick Kelsh. It's older and he talks about film, but those tips are exactly the same for digital photography. He has lots of great before/after shots and simple explanations. Many of the pictures in his book were taken by just regular people with a point and shoot.


Kandace Welch said...

I think that's the same book my cousin recommended too!

Unknown said...

YES! thanks! I read the other one a year ago that you recommended so now i will move on to this one.

Linda said...

I'll have to see if the library has it.