All my old friends ;) say people take you more seriously once you hit your 30's. I'll let you know if they're right. So far...30 and 3 weeks, doesn't feel much different than 29 did.
Dave did good this year. He's finally understanding that I hate surprises so he talks to me about his plans. :) (and really, it's kinda like an ultrasound. I'm still surprised...just a little earlier than the actual event). So he called me from the store and told me what he was trying to decide between for a gift (a flip video camera and the new iphone). Well, considering the price difference was minor and the iphone could do exactly what the flip does plus about a billion other things, I voted iphone and he agreed. And the anticipation once I knew was really fun.
He also took me out to PF Changs. I LOVE PF Changs but we don't go often so it was a real treat. I was sad to find out that they changed their desserts and I couldn't get the crazy eights dessert, but the ones I got were super yummy. We got the meal for two that came with a shot glass dessert for each of us and since it was my birthday, I got a second one for free. I went with the strawberry cheesecake and the chocolate cake. mmmm....
We ended with our fortunes which were surprisingly accurate to us. Can you guess whose is whose?
(taken with my iphone...I was playing with it all through our date)

and my empty dessert glass...

I'm glad you had a nice birthday celebration:)
Your's is the travel one and David's is the mind one. Right??
Sorry you haven't been feeling well. Hope you are all better now!
Happy Birthday!
I'm going to have to try the audiobook thing! My house is a wreck!
Happy Birthday Girl! 30 is Fabulous!! it is the best age and only gets better. You'll grow into it. I seriously LOVE being in my 30's!! And yay for PF Chang. So yummy.
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