It was time to do an actual shoot of my kids again so I can replace my wall photos. I've been wanting to take them to this site since a client told me about it (thanks, Rachel!) and the opportunity presented itself when a friend asked if I would show her some photography things.
I said...well...why don't we take our kids to this old feed store some morning and play? And that's exactly what we did. We also invited another friend. So, 3 moms with cameras and 9 kids took off for some fun.
The results were a.mazing. I must do more pictures there!
Also, this is a very good example of why sitting and smiling is not always the best option for pictures. ;)
Because sometimes...they can't hold still so you have to tell them to hold each other down.

and sometimes...they'd rather glare at you than smile.

and sometimes...they get very, very dirty.

and're better off just locking them up.

but then...the heavens align and the magic shots begin.

because you catch her for the split second that her eyes drift by the camera.

in fact it happens twice!

and you find the best letters and signage...which you happen to adore...

sing it with me now....go, go, go, go for G!

and then your kids come walking up to you with a couple of random letters that were lying around and they're absolutely perfect. I wish I could have kept them!

and then you turn around and see your friends kids and it's just the cutest thing ever so you have to take a picture.

Amy and Hilary, I want to see your pictures, too!