Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Make Toast...Not War!

Nathan has coined a catch phrase.

Today when I dropped him off at karate, his sensei pulled me aside and said she had to tell me something. She proceeded to tell me this...

"We were huddled up and talking about Self Confidence. I asked the kids what they do when they get angry so that they can calm down and Nathan said 'I make toast.' I thought I misunderstood so I asked him again. He repeated himself. He said 'one time I got really mad at my sister so I went over and made 2 pieces of toast. I spread jam on them and took one back to her to share. By then I wasn't mad anymore.'"

At this point she was almost in tears. His story really touched her. She went on...

"So, I told my adult class about it and now it's become a catch phrase! Any time somebody gets worked up, somebody else says 'make toast!' We all laugh and move on. We want to make t-shirts. Make toast, not war."

Cool, eh?

So, after karate is over I told Nathan what she told me. I told him how much she liked his story.

His response?

"Yeah, that didn't really happen. I read about it somewhere. I think in The Friend."

But, either way...he coined a catch phrase at his karate school. And apparently at home, too. Aria has begun leaving me post-it notes on my computer screen. (she knows I stare at it a lot, lol). One of them says, "wehn you get mad you yell. make toast not wor." *smiley face*


Jon and Maryanne said...

LOL! That is so funny! At first I was thinking how sweet that was of him, but then as I read on I just laughed! Your kids are funny....and so dang smart! :)

Rach said...

thats funny. I cant believe they are going to make shirts.

moxie mama said...

LOL! i love that it didn't really happen and it moved her so much she teared up. life is funny. nathan is funny.

Washington Hills said...

That is classic! Maybe THAT story should go into The Friend?

rebeccaV said...

Aww, that is so sweet! I'm going to start saying that too! btw, I can't imagine you yelling at your kids: :)