Sunday, March 22, 2009

World Peace

I have the solution. And it's all based on photography.

People are amazing. And beautiful.

I've noticed over the last several years as I've gotten busier and busier with photography that I look at people differently. I think it's human nature to judge. Too fat, too thin, too tall, too short...whatever the case may be. But as a photographer it's my job to make my subject look good and feel good about themselves regardless of what they look like.

I have a lot of shoots where I see the person I'm photographing for the first time right as the shoot starts. So, I have to think fast. I have to make positive snap judgments. I have to know what I'm going to emphasize in the pictures. Does she have amazing eyes? Does he have an engaging personality with a magnetic smile? I immediately look for the good in every person I shoot and then we just have fun.

It's now become second nature. When I meet new people, I look at them with my photographer eyes. I look for those amazing things that make them unique. I've even managed to change my feelings about people who I've clashed with by looking for the good in them and focusing on it whenever I see them/think of them. It doesn't matter if it's a physical trait or a personality trait. If I focus on that, I genuinely like them and my attitude is better in general.

So, I've decided if everybody looked at people this way, then we'd have world peace.

Try it. You might surprise yourself!


Becky said...

thats very good advice. We will always find what we are looking for in people. So we might as well look for the good right?

moxie mama said...

love this post! so deep and simple.

Linda said...

I agree good advice. Thank you for the enlightenment that we all need.

Meemer said...

beautiful misty. another reason i totally look up to you.

Lee said...

Love this.. and I believe it is so very true. It has helped me so much as we talked about the other day. And you my dear rock.