Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tonights prayer

We each have a night to say family prayer. (that's what we did growing up and it worked well). Since it's Thursday, it was Gabe's night.

Our cat, Domino, has a bit of a scratching problem.

So Gabe is praying and he says "please bless Domino to...*silence*...uh...not have legs."

And we all cracked up.


Linda said...

Gut wrenching laughter is happening right now. LOL
Thanks Gabe I needed that.

Washington Hills said...

Oh, Misty, love it! Gabe, you rock!

Lady Susan said...

What a character. My niece (who is three) said the prayer while we were there a couple of weekends ago.

"Dear Heavenly Father, I like to move it move it."

She had seen the clip to Madagascar 2 (once!) and I guessed had picked up on the song. It was hard not to react. I think I snorted. My brother-in-law Ed looked at me a bit reproachfully. Obviously, I was only encouraging her. ;)

Devyn said...

thank you.. i needed a laugh today. i can't stop smiling!

moxie mama said...

what a goof!