Wednesday, November 19, 2008


One person I'm eternally grateful to is my husband. name a few...

-He works hard and provides enough to make it possible for me to stay home with our children.

-He plays "do anything man" with the kids.

-He writes music.

-He plays the guitar and sings to the kids at bedtime.

-Not only that, he sings songs that his dad sang to him and his grandpa sang to his dad.

-He gives us priesthood blessings whenever we ask.

-He cooks Sunday night dinner.

-He tells everyone how wonderful he thinks I am, even when I'm not.

-He watches chic flicks with me. (and secretly likes them)

-He loves me, anyway.


Linda said...

Yep, sounds like a pretty good guy to me too. :) It's no secret he likes chick flicks now though. LOL

moxie mama said...

how sweet. does dave check your blog? he'd like this one:)

Anonymous said...

i absolutely loved twilight the movie (even though my coworker said he just about died of estrogen poisoning when his wife made him go watch it with her) and i am now almost done reading the second book.