Link (from Zelda). Thank you so much to Jessica who was willing to trade a photo shoot for sewing this costume for me!

After discarding her plans for Hannah Montana, Fancy Nancy and a plain cat. Aria ended with a dancing kitty. Isn't she sweet?

Gabe said for weeks he wanted to be a caterpillar. I figured he'd get over it and be something out of the halloween box. Spiderman, Buzz lightyear, Tweety bird etc... Nope. I opened the box and he took one look and said "There's no caterpillar in here!" Guess I can't fool him.
Thanks, Rach, for the tights. I searched high and low for fun colored tights and couldn't find any, so I went with what I already had at home.


So cute! Love it! Happy Halloween.
Darling! Happy Halloween!
great costumes misty! your kiddies are so cute:) and i'm so impressed with the caterpiller.
How adorable! Nathan looks great as Link. He can be hero anytime. Aria is such a beautiful dancing cat. I bet Dominoes loved seeing that. Gabe is the cutest catipillar I ever saw. He can roam my garden anytime. (That's a WOW to you Misty for getting that together in one day.) Clara is such an adorable CLarabear. So cuddly. Great costumes!!! Happy Halloween and have fun Trick or Treating!!!
there all super cute. I think it's funny that your getting use out of arias boots. He he. I'm sad I can't see you all today but I'm glad for the pics.
Darling, so creative and cute. I'm amazed at how fast you already have the pictures up. WOW! Happy Halloween.
Cute, cute, cute. Gabe looks great as a caterpillar! That was a great idea. They all look cute. Hope you had fun.
Seriously, they are so cute!!!
great costumes!! happy halloween.
Cute costumes. Very creative with the caterpillar.
I LOVE the caterpillar! Cute costumes!!
We didn't get to the party until late.....I was going to call you to see if you were still there but I forgot. I love the Clarabear! Aria looks adorable as a cat, especially in that awesome tutu!!! Very creative for Gabe's costume too! Too cute!!!
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