I mentioned before that we went to a cabin in the Blue Mountains for the weekend. (Here's the cabin...nice, huh? 6 bedrooms, 14 beds...it seriously rocked)

Anyway, we got in rather late and I just transferred the kids from the car to their beds. Gabe woke up early and went exploring. I was half awake, just listening for him while I nursed Clara when I heard him SCREAM and start sobbing. So I jumped and ran and he was just standing there crying. No blood, no scrapes, I wasn't sure what had happened. I asked him and managed to decipher his 2 year old explanation and figure out what had happened. He had walked up the stairs to the third level. There's a railing going around a landing up there and looking through the railing, right at his eye level, he saw this.

I think I might have screamed, too.
It was only a few hours later when he was playing with the shuffleboard table in the game room (super fun, by the way...we had a whole tournament) and he turned around and started to run only to get clotheslined right in the mouth by one of the bars sticking out of the foosball table. It split his lip in a couple places and knocked him backwards to the floor.
A little love and a cold washrag with ice and he was back to his old self.

Except for that fat lip...

Poor Gabers...that would be traumatic to see that hanging over the stairs! Is his lip better?
Yikes!!! I don't know if I'd want to wake up to that thing staring at me, either.
I know it wasn't funny then but I have chuckled over the situation a few times as I think about it, can't help myself. He did have a rough morning but he never did slow down. :)
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