Wednesday, June 18, 2008

And now....the rest of the story.

Alice Cullen: "Havn't you noticed yet, Bella, that Edward is just the teeniest bit prone to overreaction?"

My sister just blogged. She weaved (wove?) a lovely (and amusing) story of her tendency to overreact and attempted to put the overreacting blame onto myself. So now, dear reader, I will be clarifying her extremely down played story.

April wrote "I scream..." was much more dramatic than that. It was like horror movie screaming at the top of her lungs, repeatedly, for at least a minute, (any sane person would think the screamer was getting attacked) after which I hear "Jovie, I'm so sorry baby! I'm so sorry!" so I know she wasn't stolen/attacked but now I'm thinking she dropped Jov or something and when she finally got back on the phone she's all out of breath and frantic. I ask what happened and she's all "There was a bug on me!" Talk about anti-climatic. Geez. A bug.

Honestly, who is overreacting here? Not I.


moxie mama said...


The Buck's said...

I love how you two are doing this via your blogs! :) You both crack me up!

Linda said...

I read April's blog before yours as I was instructed to do. I commented on her blog before I read yours too and I totally called it. I voted her for being overly dramatic. lol