Thursday, June 19, 2008


My little Clarabella is 6 weeks old. We had our 6 week midwife appt yesterday and she is now 11 lbs 13 ozs.

exhibit A:

exhibit B:

and the whole crew...


Jennica said...

She is adorable.

Bonnie Bell Anderson said...

love the pics! I'm glad you got your camera back.

Alissa said...

holy moly... lucas is 11wks... maybe 10 pounds?

The Buck's said...

How did you manage to catch her with her eyes open? :) What adorable kiddos!

moxie mama said...


Linda said...

Cute! Cute! Give her kisses from her grandma J

Sharon said...

She is adorable! I cannot believe you have 4 kids; I knew that but until I saw an actual photo of them sitting on the couch it didn't actually hit me. Wow. Where did the time go? I am sure; though, that you are very well aware that you have 4 children!*S*