Sunday, March 04, 2007

Inspirational moments

Today at church we had a fantastic Relief Society lesson. It began with one of those inspirational stories you hear about kids. It was true and very sweet.

Since I fasted today, for the first time in I don't know how long, I was feeling rather spiritually heightened. What better time than to read the Friend with Aria and create one of those inspirational "faith of a child" moments to reflect back on, right?

So, we read a story about keeping the sabbath day holy. About a boy who chose to skip his championship baseball game because it was on sunday. We finished, I'm thinking what a nice lesson I just taught her and I say "what did you think about that story?"

She immediately said "bad."

Dave snickered from across the room so I tried to salvage the teaching moment.

"Aria, do you know what that story was about?"
"Yeah, church."
"Well, what did the boy choose to do?"
"uh...the right."

Ok, not going so well. I ask if she wants another story and she picks one. It's a short one about honesty so I decide to try again.

After reading it...

"Aria, what did you think about that story?"
"It was short."
"Ok, but what did you learn from it?"

Right. We went ahead and read a few more stories, but lost the questions.

Inspirational moments, not so much.


Anonymous said...

I can hardly wait to hear about her Sunday school moments! :)

Lara said...

Sounds similar to what happens at our house! I get more excited and more inspiration from reading the Friend than my children do. But I guess you just keep trying.

andrea said...

I have a few kids like that! At least you're trying. I missed the first part of RS. I would love to hear the story about Julia's grandson.