This is me, being a sheep.
Apparently folks in the blogosphere are posting 100 things about themselves. So, I'm following along. It took for.ever. But, here it is.
1. I'm often motivated by guilt
2. I hate to exercise
3. I'm the oldest of 5 kids
4. I play the piano (started at age 4)
5. I play the flute (started at age 10)
6. I used to play the tenor sax
7. I hate to cook
8. I hate to clean
9. I feel bad for my kids because they have to eat my cooking
10. I want to be a midwife when I grow up
11. I also want to be a psychologist
12. And I want a degree in world religions
13. I wonder what the odds are that I'll do any of those things
14. I've never had a cavity
15. I've been to Japan twice
16. I was the drum major of my High School marching band for 2 years
17. I have a minor phone phobia - just making phone calls. I love answering the phone.
18. If I can accomplish the communication through email, I'll always try that first.
19. I love being choir director at church, it's my favorite calling (shh...don't tell!)
20. I have mild PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome)
21. I feel invisible a lot of the time.
22. 12:34 is my favorite time. Almost daily since I was a kid I've happened to look at the clock at 12:34
23. I'm really bad at small talk
24. I hate Settlers of Catan
25. I like fast paced games
26. My all time favorite game is Nertz
27. I'm a night owl
28. I hate confrontation
29. I've hiked to the top of the matterhorn (tallest peak in the wallowas) several times
30. I'm a hippy at heart
31. I've been working on this list for a week and I'm only on #31
32. All I ever wanted to be is a Mom
33. I didn't know I liked photography until I was a freshman in college
34. I don't do crafts
35. I purposely avoid a lot of Mormon "culture"
36. But, I love Anita Stansfield and a lot of other LDS fiction novels
37. I make decisions based more on feeling than logic
38. I have horrible posture
39. In 6th grade the spine checker person thought I had something wrong, but never told anyone but me, so nothing was done about it
40. I'm a big believer in natural remedies
41. I want to homebirth my next child
42. I don't think I'm a very good decorator. I know what I like, I just don't execute it very well
43. I love jazz
44. I was in 2 different jazz bands in high school
45. I love to read
46. I love to get the mail, I always say you never know when you're going to get a real letter, or a cool package...or random money!
47. I love nature and being outside
48. I don't really like to swim
49. I'm afraid of the dark...more accurately, it's not the dark itself, but the people/animals that roam about after dark.
50. I love to dance
51. I really, really want to take ballroom dance classes with my husband
52. I have a bad habit of procrastinating
53. I want to adopt at least one, preferably 2 kids.
54. I love anything chocolate/peanut butter
55. Tillamook makes the best ch/pb ice cream
56. I'm 5'10" and I love to wear heels
57. One of my favorite foods is Yakisoba
58. I don't have a favorite color, I love them all at different times/moods
59. I don't cry easily
60. Except when I'm pregnant. Then I could be laughing and suddenly I'm sobbing.
61. I've never broken a bone
62. My natural tendency is to follow rules, especially in games
63. My love language is words of affirmation
64. I love change as long as I'm in control of it. Otherwise, I don't like it.
65. I guess that makes me a control freak
66. I'm quiet, especially in big groups
67. People tell me that because I'm quiet, I come across as a snob at first impression
68. In small groups of people that I know well, I talk a lot more
69. I have a lot of self confidence
70. I can not wait for Harry Potter 7 to come out in July.
71. I'm shooting a wedding that day, so I can't stay up all night reading it.
72. I love Smallville and Heroes
73. I'm a dreamer with a vivid imagination
74. I used to sit at the picture window when I was little and if there was a rainbow I'd watch and watch hoping to see Rainbow Brite ride over.
75. I believe in Santa Clause
76. I'm a glass half full kinda person
77. I'm incapable of organizing. It doesn't make sense to me.
78. I do have my own system that apparently doesn't make sense to anyone else.
79. I crack my knuckles
80. I like to study "deep doctrine"
81. Some of my favorite times growing up were talking doctrine with my dad.
82. I collect jewelry more than I wear it. (although, I'm starting to wear it a lot more)
83. Besides a few special occasions, I've worn the same pair of small hoop earrings, night and day, for 7 1/2 years
84. I like big dogs.
85. Not so fond of small ones
86. I've always wanted a horse. Still do.
87. I hate wearing shoes
88. I hate wearing socks even more than I hate wearing shoes. My feet can't breath in them.
89. I definitely can not sleep with socks on
90. I've never not had a music related calling in church.
91. Once I was the Young Womens secretary, but I was also the choir pianist
92. I took three years of Japanese in High School and 1 in college
93. I remember very, very little of it now
94. I've been pregnant 4 times
95. I had a miscarriage between Aria and Gabe
96. I'm a country girl at heart
97. I know I already said I'm a hippy at heart. I'm both. :P
98. I have the oldest child syndrome and like to fix peoples problems
99. I like dark chocolate
100. I love my sisters and want SO bad to have a girl so Aria has a sister