Toast and egg gravy. Yum! I at leftover for a couple days. Looking forward to having it again next year. :)

Various egg hunt shots.

The little girls would not get together for a picture. I just happened to notice them walking together to get this one. Yay!

My brothers-in-law with their new babies.

I think Gabe actually took this shot. What luck, eh? I love it!! (that's April giving Nathan a kiss while he ignores her)

It was a great day! Especially considering the day before was horrible weather and seriously cranky kids. Easter was a treat with the sunshine and the happier kids.
Oh, there are no pics of my kids with their Easter baskets because they got up at 3 AM to open them. I just remember shuffling out of bed and telling them to zip it or they'd wake the baby and to go back to sleep.
So cute! I am going to have to google egg gravy.
We had the same thing for Easter breakfast! Yummmy! Cute pics :)
Such cute pics! We have "egg gravy" every year too, only we call it gravy toast. :) I made it myself for the first time this year since we had Jon's family over at our house in the morning and I didn't want to break my/our tradition. It actually turned out pretty good! Thank goodness! :)
What the heck is egg gravy for one and did Rachel and April both have new babies?! I must have missed something...
Misty, these pictures are perfect, as usual, smile.
What exactly is Egg Gravy?
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