"Mom, did you know everything is made in China? Except maybe bean bags."
"Mom, did you know all red boxes are stuffed full of DVD's? I wish I had a red box."
And some answers to some questions my cousin asked him for her child development class...
1) Where do the stars go during the day?
Maybe in a house. Maybe somebody bought a house for the stars to go in. They stay in there until tomorrow.
2) Why is the sky blue when it's sunny outside?
His first answer was "just because" but I pressed him for more specifics and he said this... Maybe after night time and the stars go in their house and somebody closes the door so it's very sunny out. Maybe that's the thing. Oh! Maybe first the stars color the sun and the sky and the clouds before they go in their house. Maybe.
3) Where does dirt come from and what makes it?
Well if it's still the first day then the stars just color it too. Oh and worms just crawl around in the dirt.
PS...this was my 500th blog post. I hereby repent of my blogging absence and will return forthwith.
I love Gabe!
What cute comments! It makes me want to ask all little kids I know the same questions. I love seeing how their brains work.
it's about time you got back here! :)
I love Gabe too:) Pure is a good word for Gabe I think.
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