Until now.
Clara has been the baby for a couple years. Not just the baby of our family, but the baby of the extended families on both sides. Apparently, she was aware of this fact and quite liked it.
About 6 months ago my brother had a baby. They live in a different town than us so Clara didn't have much interaction with her new cousin. But when my sister had a baby a few weeks ago and we went to visit, Clara realized there were TWO new babies and she was a little perturbed.
At one point she gave Ethan his first bonk on the head by a kid bigger than him, then later after he had played in his exersaucer for a while, Clara wanted in. So I went ahead and put her in and she flopped down in it and said "I'M THE BABY!"
I laughed at her and life went on.
Then I weaned her which she was a total champ about. I told her, her 'nurns' (that's how she said nurse) were all gone and she was like "oh...ok" and never nursed again. Easy. Painful for me...but easy.
So we've been watching my other sisters daughter and my friends kids on a fairly regular basis and Clara sees that her best friends have binkies. She apparently processed this for a while and one day refuses to go sleep without her binky. The top of an old bottle that I cut to make it easier for her to drink smoothies out of.
(side note...took this pic with my fun new hisptamatic iphone app)

THEN...she came across her old binky that has been floating around her room for the last year. It was more of a toy than anything else but she knew what it was and was like "MY BINKY!" That night I let her use that one instead of the bottle and apparently she liked it better. She now refuses to lay down without her "rabbit binky" (I think that means 'regular binky') and I officially have a 2 yr old that thinks she needs a binky. Right at the time that, had she taken a binky as an infant, I'd be trying to take it away. Yippee.

She is so cute! Well, Eli is now 2and still totally attached to his binky! After talking to my ob and his dr I decided it will be just fine to continue to let him have it. Especially with a new little brother coming in a couple months! That way he has his binky and the baby will have his. It will be gone before he turns 3 though!!!!
That stinks if you have to have a binky then you darn well should be able to use it when their little. Good Luck with it.
4 posts in a month...I don't know what to say ;)
Doesn't she look quite pleased as punch:)
I feel your pain, my 3 year old has discovered all things baby and has decided she wants to try it all out. Luckily enough she's old enough to want the benefits of being a big girl too.
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