I have the best friends in the world. I belong to a private internet message board of LDS moms. Many of us are friends "in real life" and have invited each other to joing the group. Many of us have made lasting friendships because someone else invited someone to the group. It's an awesome group of women with many talents, but the best part is the support that is offered for anything that any of us may be struggling with. I've seen them provide Christmas for a struggling member, support each other through death, divorce, miscarriage (they were a huge support for me when I had mine), and celebrate achievements whether it be birth, marriage, a kid getting potty trained, a new job, or anything.
We even had a big weekend get together last year where 70-80 of us got to meet and just have a fun girls weekend out.
So one day I mentioned that Aria wore my blessing dress and I wanted to do something special for Clara too. I didn't want to just buy any old dress. So, my good friend,
Onica pipes in and says she would actually crochet a dress for Clara. (I met Onica after she joined the board and we became fast friends.) Anyway, we both looked around online and found a beautiful pattern and she just finished it! I can't believe how stunning it is. I'm so lucky to have her as a friend!
Wanna see?
Not only is the dress beautiful, it just goes to prove that, once again, I will never be a domestic godess! :) Thank goodness for friends who are. When is her blessing?
June 1st, 9AM at the church building that's near my house. I'd love for you to come! We'll have a brunch at my house afterwards. :)
That should work. It might just be me though...that is 2 days before Kev is scheduled to defend his thesis! :)
so so so beautiful! she is going to look like an angel! and i don't have to tell you to take pictures...
It is beautiful! I hope the headband and booties don't take away from it. :) The headband is done do you want me to mail it so we make sure it fits?
Wow!! Beautiful dress and so wonderful of Onica to make it. She is so talented. And I know how you feel about the MOF's, it is seriously the best group I've ever belonged to. I'm glad I met you!
that dress is so beautiful! also--mom told me that you are using the blanket i made for clara. i'm so honored--really, thanks for using it:)
Yup, she'll have your blanket, Onica's dress and booties and a headband from Mom. I can't wait to have it all together to take pictures!
It really turned out so cute. I'm not sure I want to send it! I hope to get to the slip tomorrow. If not, I will send the fabric with the dress and maybe your mom can whip one out?
Oh, and I'm totally blushing. A blog post just for me.... awesome! Totally made my day!
You should have her blessing dress framed so she can have it hanging on her wall. What a wonderful heritage and memory that would be for her to always have.
I could totally do her hair on the day of the blessing. HAHAHA jk Love the dress though it totally fits your style.
Wow, what a nice friend! It's a beautiful dress, Misty. When is the blessing? I hope you and baby are doing wonderfully! By the way, if you ever check out my blog, let me know how my picture-taking is going. I'm trying to use the 2 lessons you gave us!*S*
It is beautiful!!!! That is so awesome that you have that support system! What great friends!
The dress is beautiful as so are your friends. I am glad there are so many people to that can share in your life.
Onica rocks! I am constant impressed with the talents my friends all have! That dress is as sweet as can be!
What an amazing dress!!
Looks beautiful!
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