I have nothing to say. My head is empty.
Actually, I take that back. My head is so overwhelmed with stupid, mundane stuff that I need to just take care of, that nothing creative or fun can squeeze through.
I'll just tell you about today.
Today...I bought a dress. I tried on about 20, with my kids in the dressing room moaning about how bored they were. Except Aria, who was upset because she wanted to be the one trying things on. I, apparently, do not look good in dresses. Skirts and shirts are much better. I did find one that I like. I also found one for Aria to wear in my brothers wedding. It's gorgeous.
We went to the carousel again. Gabe doesn't love it as much as he did the first time. He likes it but he's a little scared. His "whees" are intersperced with "whoas". Nathan had a complete meltdown when he didn't get to ride the Lion. There's only one and some boy beat him to it. He cried the whole ride, so like a good mom, I bought him ice-cream. Then, not to leave the other kids out, they got a bag of cotton candy to share. Right before dinner. Oh, and Aria isn't afraid of the carousel anymore. This is a big, exciting deal.
I took them to a museum. That was...maybe not the best idea I've ever had. We were having constant lessons on museum etiquette that were largely ignored. But they want to go back. Next time we'll do the lessons before we go.
That's about it.
Oh, how the heck do you keep a dog from going upstairs? I want the whole upstairs to be off limits but apparently I don't speak dog.