The kids and I were talking about our summer schedule and we came up with a plan to keep us busy and having fun.
Small Moment Monday - The kids will each blog a small moment on here since this is our family journal.
Take a hike Tuesday - We'll find a trail or nice area for a hike or walk.
Water Wednesday - Splash Pads and pools!
Throw a ball Thursday - We'll play any game that uses a ball.
Field Trip Friday - We'll find places to go. Nathan has requested the temple to walk around the grounds and I was thinking about one of the old mining towns in the Idaho Panhandle.
And Saturday we'll do family activities since Dave won't be working.
So watch for pictures from all our fun activities!
And without further adieu...
Our first "Small Moment Monday"
Nathan -
i saw dad playing this
i can play this
Aria - She prefers to write with pen and paper, so she wrote it down and I'm typing it in.
One time I went to Boo Radleys and I saw "fart in a can" and "finger tentacles" and it was fun. (P.S. I went with my Grandma and fun fun)
Gabe - Gabe and Clara both dictated their small moment to me. I'm writing the way they said it.
I like going to swimming lessons. Today there was a garage sale at swimming lessons. We got a bunch of stuff for free. I kept putting everything in the car and my mom never know'd it til she went in the front yard. After that we brought it all home. My favorite thing was the stomp rocket.
Clara -
I like roasting mushmellows and hot dogs and making graham crackers and making stuff. My favorite part was going to Maggie's too. (oh hey! My shoes both match and they're pink!) And my favorite part too is going to the libary 3 times. And then my favorite part....I like that picture you made....*and she wandered off*
i love your kids :) great list too!!! you are so creative!
that sounds like the neverending story song dave is playing.. am i WAY off??? lol
How fun! I for sure will stayed tuned so I can see all the fun things you guys do this summer. One of the funnest was when you came and suprised me for my birthday. The BEST ever!
Misty, you inspire me, in all sorts of ways! Your family is so lucky to have you.
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