Saturday, June 26, 2010

Nathan's Expressions: An Interpretation

My boy. My oldest. My firstborn. Or as he describes himself: "the holder of the birthright."

Nathan. My strong, silent, but secretly witty and hilarious child.

He turned 9 this week. Nine! That's only a year away from double digits. Sometimes I'm startled by the fact that he'll really remember things from this part of his life. Then I just have to hope I'm not screwing him up too much.

Anyway, I will now interpret his stoic expressions for you.

"WOOO-HOOOO!!!! My first present of the year! YESSS! Grandma rocks!"

"geez, what'd they have to wake me up for? Haven't they learned that I'm not a morning person? Hey...there's a bike there. Nice...I guess I forgive them."

"mmmm....donuts" (Dave got up early and drove up north to get the best maple bars in town fresh from the oven. I think Nathan ate 4 or 5 of them himself.)

"Dude. My friend is awesome. Check this out! He totally knows what I like."

"What kind of wrapping paper is this supposed to be?"

We finally got to the cake right before bed after a long day.
"Mo-om. Are you seriously still taking pictures? I'm really sick of being the center of attention"

And later in the week he promoted to brown belt in karate.
"Yeah, I know I'm bad with my black eye and brown belt. You wanna take me? Ha. Go ahead and try."

I love that kid.

But really, for all I know, the Sponge Bob song could have been playing in his head all day. Or maybe he was watching a movie in his head. I remember doing that when I was a kid and I wanted to tune out...


Joan said...

He has grown up so much since you moved from Renton! Wow.
I love your captions.

Linda said...

Huh, who woulda known that what those expressions meant LOL. Hope he still likes the scooter:)
And is that a real black eye? Ouch!!! How did he get it?
He's a great kid and I'm soooooo happy he's my grandson! Love you Nathan!

Misty said...

lol, it's real, Mom. He ran into some kids head at the park.

Washington Hills said...

I saw this on Facebook and loved it! Please let him know that his shiner is the best I've ever seen on a kid! He should be proud of that one.