A lot of my fondest memories come from family reunions for as long as I can remember. Not everybody goes every year, but Grandma always has one and we all do our best to be there.
I have some pictures to share for my family members that read my blog. You see, there's this funny little side effect of being a photographer. People close to me get so used to me being around with my camera, that they don't bring their own. I am the official picture taker. ;) Good thing I like doing it!
My kids and my cousins on the boat. It's my kids first time on a speed boat and, granted, we didn't go very fast, but they loved it!

The kids burying my cousins husband (and the newest member of our family) in the sand.

Nathan's turn.

Marshmallow time! My family had to leave the night before everyone else, so we started marshmallows a little early so my kids wouldn't miss out. These are my cousins.

And the pregnant girls. My sisters and 2 of my cousins are all having babies! (click the picture to see it bigger)