Totally not the point, was just a good quote for the location of this photo shoot. I LOVE it. It's this field with a couple of run down rock buildings near my house. Very photogenic. But the kids I took HATED it. A friend came to visit for a week with her 4 kids and I had my 3 kids (so that's 7 kids, ages 7 and younger). We trudged through tall, pokey weeds that were putting stickers in their socks and shoes and they complained. Loudly. All of them. Well, except the babies. They were perfectly happy. But look! It was SO worth listening to an hour of whining.

This is one of my favorites...It just shows their love so well, I think.
Doesn't she look like a Cabbage Patch kid?

The biggest Dandilions ever...
I tried so hard to get a natural smile out of this kid! This was about as natural as it got. (He did great fake smiles, though!)
cute family...
but where's the dad? he must be a bum.
haha Dave.
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