2. Scrapbook. Again, lots of good intentions. I even succeeded at digital scrapbooking for a while, but it's just not me. Luckily, some smart person realized people like me exist and now I arrange my pictures in an album online and pay money to have it printed and bound and sent to me in the mail. Solves that problem! Although....I'm still about 5 years behind in my pictures.

3. Make cakes. Case in point. This is my pathetic attempt at a Barbie cake. I figured, how hard can it be? Just bake it in a bowl and stick a barbie in. Yeah...didn't work out so well. However, the kids had fun smearing frosting on it and then smashing it to smitherines and eating the crumbs.
4. Cut hair. One time I tried to cut my husbands hair. Just once. Then he learned his lesson. Saving the 10 bucks at Supercuts is not worth the hack job that I will do.
"It's easy" he said. "Just use the clippers! Not hard at all!" Shows him for trusting his head to me. He had several oddly placed bald spots for a while. Good thing he wears a hat!
I do know an amazing stylist though! My sister! She's the best and has a large clientele because her reputation preceeds her. So, we've been trying for about a year to talk Aria into letting her Aunt cut her hair.
Wasn't working. When she gets something in her head, nobody can change her mind. It has to be her idea. So today, Auntie Rae was over. She styled the hair of a client that I did head shots for, then cut my Aunt and Cousin's hair. Aria sat and watched it all. Then I showed Aria some pictures of her the last time she got her hair cut and that put her over the edge. Suddenly she had a great idea! So she got a haircut.
Before....(she's such a good little model! I just stand there and release the shutter and she strikes a pose or 5. Cracks me up!) This is last week.
and after....