The happy family.

Aria with Mae. She's so happy Rachel had a girl. She said "It's just too bad we're probably having a boy baby." (did you catch that? hint, hint?)

Nathan and Mae. He wasn't so into the holding the baby thing. He liked the vending machines.


Look at her cute little teeny finger by Sean's finger.

Sleeping with her fists snuggled up on her face.

Proud Grandpa Mac (Sean's dad)

Mae's first bath.

Put my clothes back on! I'm cold!

Holding Daddy's hand.

With Grandma J (my Mom)

Oh super congrats! She is just beautiful. What a great day!!
Yay for Rachel and Sean. What a beautiful baby girl.
Wow!! Thanks for the pictures!! I've been waiting for an update on the baby, and I love that there's already pictures! Tell Rachel that Amanda said CONGRATS!! And that hey baby is beautiful.
I keep looking at your blog today even though I have the real thing to look @ its still so awesome to see the pics you took I cant waite until tomarrow for her first photo shoot!
Congrats Auntie! So are you having a boy????!!!!
That's what it looked like on the ultrasound! It was a bit early so we'll get it confirmed at the next one, but it sure looked like boy parts to me. ;)
Congrats Rachel and Sean! You did it, how wonderful. We are so happy for you. I forwarded the pics to Emily too! She will be thrilled. Love, Jami
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