Once upon time (about an hour ago) I was making pancakes. It was a rough day. Woke up throwing up and stayed pretty nauseous and yucky feeling all day. Nathan asked for pancakes for dinner and I figured that's easy enough so I started them.
I got Nathan and Gabe fed, but Aria said she wasn't feeling well (Nathan just got over a yucky, vomitous, stomach bug). So, I sat her down with a puke bucket and a little ginger ale to sip. I said, if you throw up, USE THE BUCKET.
I then went to flip more pancakes when I hear the unmistakable sound of throwing up. I run over and Aria is throwing up ALL OVER THE COUCH. I turned her head to the bucket and asked why she wasn't using it. When she was done throwing up in the bucket she said she didn't know what was going on. Hopefully she knows now and will use the bucket the rest of tonight.
Anyway, I take her and half my couch cushions outside. I strip her down and tell her to go stand in my bathtub and wait for me. After she goes inside, I hose down her clothes, the pillows, the blanket she had, etc and start to load the washing machine. I take a load in, go back outside for some more and when I come back in this time I see Gabe. He's standing my the open toilet (thankfully it was recently cleaned and had been flushed) with a cup full of water that he'd just taken a drink from. Yup. Toilet water.
(it was around now that I remembered the pancakes and took the burnt ones off the stove and turned off the burner)
I tried not to throw up myself and ran him up to the other bath tub. I turned the water on then ran to my bathroom to turn the water on for Aria. After I turned her water on I hear Gabe screaming so I run back. He had turned the water all the way to hot and burned himself. *sigh* Fortunately he had the good sense to back away and wasn't hurt badly so I left him in the tub to play and sat next to him. A few minutes later, he pooped in the tub.
Cleaned the poop out, drained the tub, cleaned the tub, refilled the tub, rebathed the kid, got the puke off Aria, got them both dressed and sitting down. Aria with her bucket that she says she'll use now.
Smart Nathan just stayed out of my way. lol.