Here he is on his first day.

Today is Aria's first day of pre-school. She's there now. Gabe is napping. I don't know what to do with myself! There are no kids to take care of for 2 hours! Any ideas?
I'll update this with a picture of Aria in a bit. I forgot to take it before school, so I'll take it after.
Got it!

I also have a picture of her with her very first bff and her very first bff necklace. I remember when I had one of those! Aren't they cute?

Nathan sounds just like Chad - so excited to eat lunch, do PE (he called it PG) and music time. He was highly disappointed the first time for each though, as they spent more time going over rules than actually participating.
Hope Aria has fun at her school. Cute pictures!
Can't believe we are in different wards now!
Still been too lazy to find out about volunteer work at school as of yet - but let me know if you need me.
I will. They said something about waiting for back-to-school night before we start volunteering in the class. I'll call you.
So cute! and Aria hasa the cutest hair she must have a great hair stylist.
I love those pictures of the girls together. Jackie has been wearing her necklace. As for your time to yourself, until I find a job that fills my afternoon time, I should come over and do yoga together.
Love ya bunches!!
Darling pictures of the kids. They are growing up so quick. As per your "free" time you should SLEEP while you still can.
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