Saturday, June 23, 2007

Happy Birthday, Nathan!

I can't believe I'm about to post this picture. It's not pretty. And as a preface, I had pre-eclampsia so I was literally swollen from head to toe. Anyway...this was me (on the right - Aria didn't recognize me just now. lol) a little over 6 years ago. My friend that's with me had her little boy exactly 1 week before I had mine.

I was induced with cervadil in the evening of June 21st due to the pre-eclampsia. At 11:30-ish PM the doctor came in and broke my water (I was dilated to a 3). Suddenly everything started happening much faster. The nurses were a pain in the butt and kept blowing off my insistance that I was progressing quickly. I kept asking one of them to check me and she would say not to worry, that I'd likely still be in labor 12 hours from then and did I want an epidural? Finally, shortly after 1 AM I convinced her to check me after swearing that I felt the urge to push. She kinda rolled her eyes and checked only to be shocked that I knew what I was talking about and went into high gear gathering the stuff and calling the Dr. Nathan was born after just a few pushes at 1:30 AM on June 22. He wasn't breathing at first, but he recovered quickly and I had my firstborn! Beyond a little jaundice, he was perfect!

Here he is at 2 weeks old.

And as he grew....

And today! He is now 6 years old! It's hard to believe it's been 6 years already.

He had a fun party. We went to a local indoor water park and the kids just played their little hearts out. It was perfect. I didn't have to do too terribly much in the planning/organizing department and the kids had a blast. He even got the cake he wanted. Sort-of. He wanted a Mario cake. We looked online for some ideas and he had his heart set on this one.

He said if I couldn't make that, then he supposed he could settle for this.

Right. This is what he got. (thanks to an online friend who had a hard-to-find Mario toy and my mad cake decorating skillz...or lack thereof)

Fortunately, he was pleased. lol.

Happy Birthday, Nathan!


Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that he is 6! I hope he had a great birthday. The party was awesome. Thanks for including us! Call you when I get back from Hawaii!!!

Misty said...'re commenting on my blog from Hawaii? Traci...GO LAY ON THE BEACH!

Onica said...


Lara said...

Great job with the cake!!!! How do they grow so fast? Happy Birthday Nathan.

Anonymous said...

I haven't left for Hawaii yet. Still here, at work...I should have just brought in a cot for my office with the number of hours I worked last week and this weekend! :)

Unknown said...

You havn't? lol. Why did I think it was last Tuesday that you left? Well...have a fab time!

lackrik said...

great job on the cake!!!

Happy Birthday ( belated ) Nathan!