Donuts from the best donut shop in town.
Smiles and hugs all around.
A 50mm f/1.4
This email from Aria.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! You are now 31. So lets get to Silverwood and get in the sun. We will have so much fun! P.S.
if you get this email later happy late birthday!
i love you
love aria . pps if you get this email even later happy even later birthday ppps if you get it soooooooooper late happy
soooooooooper late birthday.
And Gabe said...
"MOM! I have a present for you!"

"It's FISH LIPS! It's really good 'cause I practiced in the mirror for a long time!"
And now my kids are all sharpie tattooed with my cell number and we're off to a fun day with some of my very favorite people in the world!