Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Still no teeth

Clara is almost 8 months and toothless. But it allows her to make the cutest little faces.

When did your kids cut their first tooth and what did you feed them pre-teeth? She wants to eat everything.


  1. We have the opposite situation. My one year old is cutting his molars! Sorry, I can't help.

  2. even if she gets teeth, its just the incisors... not really going to be able to eat alot more than she can right now.

    lucas at 9mos eats almost anything as long as it's mashed up. we have a food mill ($8 target) that we mush up our food (beef stew, beans/rice, broccoli cheese soup, etc) with.

    as for snacks... cheerios, kix, those baby puffs, they have lots of baby snack options.

  3. yeah, I mash stuff. I'm just thinking snacks. We do the baby food snacks but they're expensive. :P

  4. IDK look at my blog it will tell you. JK.

    She does make the cutest faces though. And I loved tues when we were all clapping for her she was so happy.

  5. I LOVE that pic! My kids both got their first tooth 1 week after they turned 4 months. We get em early in our family. I can't remember what I fed them specifically.

  6. My first was 13 months old before his first tooth showed up..and I can't remember what we fed him. That is too long ago. :)
